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Leaflet Map

Leaflet is a lightweight and easy-to-use JavaScript library that allows you to create mobile-friendly and interactive maps. Leaflet supports many types of map layers, such as tile, vector, image, and geoJSON. Leaflet also provides many plugins and extensions that add more features and functionalities to your maps, such as clustering, geocoding, routing, and drawing.

You can find the Leaflet map components in the src/views/LeafletMaps.jsx file.



Voyager Map provides an interactive and customizable mapping solution for displaying geographic data with ease and flexibility. Leaflet Map Preview


Street Map Street Map provides a convenient and customizable solution for incorporating

street-level maps into React applications, facilitating location-based functionalities. Leaflet Map Preview


World Imagery World Imagery Map offers a comprehensive and visually stunning

solution for integrating high-resolution satellite imagery maps into React applications for global mapping needs. Leaflet Map Preview


Dark Matter Dark Matter Map provides a sleek and modern solution for integrating

dark-themed maps into React applications, ideal for various visualization needs. Leaflet Map Preview


You have need more example please visit React Leaflet