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Chartjs is a simple yet flexible JavaScript charting library that allows you to create beautiful and interactive charts for your web pages. Chartjs uses HTML5 canvas to render the charts and supports over a dozen chart types, such as line, bar, pie, doughnut, radar, and bubble. Chartjs also provides various options and plugins to customize the appearance and behavior of the charts, such as animation, legend, tooltip, zoom, annotation, and more.

You can find the Chartjs component in the src/views/Chartjs.jsx file


Line Chart

A line chart is a way of plotting data points on a line. Often, it is used to show trend data, or the comparison of two data sets. Chartjs Preview


Line Chart

Bar Chart A bar chart provides a way of showing data values represented as vertical

bars. It is sometimes used to show trend data, and the comparison of multiple data sets side by side. Chartjs Preview


Bar Chart

Pai Chart Pie charts are probably the most commonly used charts. This is divided

into segments, the arc of each segment shows the proportional value of each piece of data. Chartjs Preview


Pie Chart

For more information please visit chartjs