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Widgets are small and interactive components that display useful information or perform specific actions on your dashboard. You can customize the appearance and behavior of each widget by changing the color, counter, symbol, title, description, border, width, height, padding, and link. You can also create your own widgets by following the same structure and style of the existing widgets.

You can find the widgets component in the src/views/widgets.jsx file.


Stats Card

Stats Card widget in a dashboard enables concise presentation of key statistics for efficient data visualization and monitoring in a single view. Widgets Preview







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revenue-counter, user-info, revenue-progressBar, revenue-earning


A string that specifies the type of the widget. You can choose from four options: info, stats, chart, or list. The type determines the layout and the content of the widget. For example, type="user-info" will show an icon, a title, and a description, while type="revenue-counter" will show a counter, a symbol, and a title.


A string that specifies the background color of the widget. You can use any valid CSS color value as the value of bgColor. The default value is #fff.


A string that specifies the icon of the widget. You can use any icon from the Font Awesome icons library. The icon will be displayed in the top left corner of the widget. For example icon="fa-user".


A boolean that indicates whether the widget has a counter or not. If isCounter is true, the widget will show a numeric value that represents a count or a percentage. If isCounter is false, the widget will not show a counter. The default value is false.


A number that specifies the value of the counter. You can use any positive number as the value of counter. The counter will be displayed in the top right corner of the widget. For example counter={50}.


A string that specifies the position of the symbol relative to the counter. You can choose from two options: left or right. The default value is left.


A string that specifies the symbol that is displayed next to the counter. You can use any valid character or string as the value of symbol. The symbol can be used to indicate the unit or the change of the counter. For example, symbol="$" or symbol="%".


A string that specifies the title of the widget. You can use any valid text as the value of title. The title will be displayed below the icon and the counter. The title can be used to give a brief and descriptive name to the widget. For example title="Total Revenue".


A string that specifies the description of the widget. You can use any valid text as the value of description. The description will be displayed below the title. The description can be used to give more details or information about the widget. For example description="This month's revenue from all sources".


A number that specifies the percentage of the progress bar. You can use any positive number between 0 to 100 as the value of progressPercent. The progress bar will be displayed below the description. The progress bar can be used to show the completion or the progress of a task or a process. For example progressPercent= {75}.


A boolean that indicates whether the icon has a border or not. If isIconBorder is true, the icon will have a circular border with the same color as the borderColor prop. If isIconBorder is false, the icon will not have a border. The default value is false.


A string that specifies the color of the border of the icon. You can use any valid CSS color value as the value of borderColor. The border color will also be used as the color of the progress bar. For example borderColor="#3b5998".


A string that specifies the padding of the widget. You can use any valid CSS value for the padding property. The padding will affect the spacing of the widget elements. The default value is 16px.


A string that specifies the width of the icon. You can use any valid CSS value for the width property. The width will affect the size of the icon. The default value is 45px.


A string that specifies the height of the icon. You can use any valid CSS value for the height property. The height will affect the size of the icon. The default value is 45px.


A boolean that indicates whether the widget has a view more link or not. If isViewMore is true, the widget will show a link that says “View More” at the bottom of the widget. If isViewMore is false, the widget will not show a view more link. The default value is false.


A string that specifies the URL of the view more link. You can use any valid URL as the value of link. The link will be opened in a new tab when the user clicks on the view more link. For example, link="".

Social Counter The Social Counter component facilitates the display of social

media metrics such as followers, friends, and more. Widgets Preview




A string that specifies the background color of the widget. You can use any valid CSS color value as the value of bgColor. The default value is transparent.


A string that specifies the icon of the social media platform or the website. You can use any icon from the Font Awesome icons library. The icon will be displayed in the widget. For example icon="fa-twitter".


A string that specifies the position of the icon relative to the count. You can choose from two options: left or right. The default value is left.


A number that specifies the value of the count. You can use any positive number as the value of count. The count will be displayed in the widget. For example count={5000}.


A string that specifies the padding of the widget. You can use any valid CSS value for the padding property. The padding will affect the spacing of the widget elements. The default value is 24px.


A boolean that indicates whether the widget has a counter or not. If isCounter is true, the widget will show a numeric value that represents a count or a percentage. If isCounter is false, the widget will not show a counter. The default value is false.


An object that specifies the social activity of the social media platform or the website. You can use any valid object as the value of socialActivity. The social activity will be displayed in the widget. The social activity object should have the following properties: title, description, time, and link. For example socialActivity= { title: "New Tweet", description: "Hello world!", time: "10 minutes ago", link: "", } .

User Stats User Stats component showcases user activity progress and details,

offering a concise overview of engagement and interactions. Widgets Preview






A string that specifies the background color of the widget. You can use any valid CSS color value as the value of bgColor. For example bgColor="#3b5998".


A string that specifies the icon of the user or the group. You can use any icon from the Font Awesome icons library. The icon will be displayed in the widget. For example icon="fa-users".


A number that specifies the value of the count. You can use any positive number as the value of count. The count will be displayed in the widget. For example count={50}. The default value is 0.


A string that specifies the title of the widget. You can use any valid text as the value of title. The title will be displayed in the widget. The title can be used to give a brief and descriptive name to the user or the group. For example title="Total Users".


A string that specifies the size of the icon and the count. You can use any valid CSS value for the font-size property. The size will affect the appearance of the icon and the count. The default value is 17px.


A string that specifies the background color of the progress bar. You can use any valid CSS color value as the value of progressBg. The default value is #fff.


A number that specifies the percentage of the progress bar. You can use any positive number between 0 to 100 as the value of progressPercent. The progress bar will be displayed in the widget. The progress bar can be used to show the completion or the progress of a task or a process. For example progressPercent={75}.