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The Button component is a clickable element that triggers an action or a navigation. The Button component can have different types and different variants. The Button component can also have icons, labels, or both.

You can find the Button component in the src/views/Buttons.jsx file.


Use any of the available button style types to quickly create a styled button. Just modify the variant prop. Button Preview


Outline For a lighter touch, Buttons also come in outline-* variants with no

background color. Button Preview


Sizes Defarent sizes button are available. Simply add size="lg", size="sm"

for additional sizes. Button Preview




A string that specifies the type and the variant of the button. You can choose variety of visual variants such as:
primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, dark, light, link as well as outline versions (prefixed by outline-*) outline-primary, outline-secondary, outline-success, outline-danger, outline-warning, outline-info, outline-dark, outline-light. The default value is primary

sizesm, lg

A string that specifies the size of the button. You can choose from two options: sm or lg.


A function that is called when the button is clicked. The function receives the event object as the argument. You can use this prop to perform any action or logic when the button is clicked. For example, you can use onClick to navigate to another page, submit a form, or open a modal.


A boolean that indicates whether the button is active or not. If active is true, the button will have a darker background color and a shadow effect. If active is false, the button will have a normal appearance. The default value is false


A boolean that indicates whether the button is disabled or not. If disabled is true, the button will have a lighter background color and a disabled cursor. If disabled is false, the button will be enabled and clickable. The default value is false.

For more props please visit to react-bootstrap