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The Card component is a container that groups related content and actions on a single topic. The Card component can have different parts, such as a header, a media, a content, and an actions area. The Card component can also have different variants. The Card component can be used to display information, images, links, or buttons

You can find the Cards component in the src/views/Cards.jsx file


With Header

A card component with a header section provides structured content presentation and visual hierarchy for streamlined information display. Card Preview



Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Without Header Card can also contain jsx or another component without header.

Card Preview


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

Card With Image A versatile card component featuring an image and additional

elements for visually appealing and informative content presentation. Card Preview


Card Wtih Image Title

Some quick example text to build on the card title and make up the bulk of the card's content.


titlestringA string that specifies the title of the card. The title will be displayed in the header area of the card. You can use this prop to give a brief and descriptive name to the card. For example title="User Profile".
titleIconstringA string that specifies the icon of the card. The icon will be displayed next to the title in the header area of the card. You can use this prop to add a visual cue to the card. You can use any icon from the Font Awesome icons library. For example, titleIcon="fa-user".
titleBgstringA string that specifies the background color of the title area of the card. You can use this prop to change the appearance of the title area.
isHeaderbooleantrueA boolean that indicates whether the card has a header area or not. If isHeader is true, the card will have a header area that contains the title, the icon, and the icons array. If isHeader is false, the card will not have a header area. The default value is true.
headerPositiontop, bottomtopA string that specifies the position of the header area of the card. You can use this prop to change the layout of the card. You can choose from two options: top or bottom. The default value is top.
paddingstring16pxA string that specifies the padding of the card. You can use this prop to change the spacing of the card. You can use any valid CSS value for the padding property. The default value is 16px
bodyBgstringA string that specifies the background color of the body area of the card. You can use bodyBg to change the appearance of the body area.
iconsarray[]An array that specifies the icons that are displayed in the header area of the card. You can use this prop to add more actions or options to the card. You can use any icon from the Font Awesome icons library. Each icon should be an object with the following properties: icon, color, and onClick. For example, icons={[{icon: "fa-edit", color: "primary", onClick: () => console.log("Edit")}, {icon: "fa-trash", color: "danger", onClick: () => console.log("Delete")}]}
dismissiblebooleanfalseA boolean that indicates whether the card can be dismissed by the user or not. If dismissible is true, a close button will appear on the right side of the header area of the card. If dismissible is false, the card will not have a close button. The default value is false.
onClosefuncA function that is called when the card is dismissed by the user. The function receives the event object as the argument. You can use this prop to perform any action or logic when the card is dismissed. For example, you can use onClose to remove the card from the parent component or to trigger another alert.