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The Socials component is a collection of buttons or icons that link to social media platforms or accounts. The Socials component can use the Font Awesome icons library to display the logos of the social media platforms. The Socials component can also have different sizes, colors, or styles.

You can find the SocialButtons component in the src/views/SocialButtons.jsx file.


A customizable social button featuring animated effects in various styles for engaging user interactions. Social Button Preview


Square A square-shaped social button with captivating hover effects for interactive

user experiences. Social Button Preview


Effect A configurable social button component with animated effects and customizable

properties for enhanced user engagement. Social Button Preview




A string that specifies the URL of the social media platform or the website. You can use any valid URL as the value of href. The default value is #.

iconstringfa-brands fa-facebook-f

A string that specifies the icon of the social media platform or the website. You can use any icon from the Font Awesome icons library. The default value is fa-brands fa-facebook-f.


A string that specifies the background color of the icon. You can use any valid CSS color value as the value of bgColor. The default value is #3b5998.


A string that specifies the background color of the icon when the mouse hovers over it. You can use any valid CSS color value as the value of hoverBgColor.


A string that specifies the color of the icon. You can use any valid CSS color value as the value of color. The default value is #fff.


A string that specifies the color of the icon when the mouse hovers over it. You can use any valid CSS color value as the value of hoverColor.


aeneas, jaques, egeon, claudio, laertes, jinae, bolb

A string that specifies the effect of the icon. You can choose from seven options: aeneas, jaques, egeon, claudio, laertes, jinae, or bolb.

typerounded, square-rounded, squaresquare-rounded

A string that specifies the shape of the icon. You can choose from three options: rounded, square-rounded, or square. The default value is square-rounded.


A string that specifies the border of the icon. You can use any valid CSS border value as the value of border 1px solid #dddddd.


A string that specifies the border of the icon when the mouse hovers over it. You can use any valid CSS border value as the value of hoverBorder.